External Studies Degrees
External Studies History
The Tabernacle Baptist College External Studies Program was founded in 1983 under the name of Trinity Baptist Bible Institute. The name of the school was changed in 1989 since there were a number of ministries having the name Trinity. The school was transferred to Greenville, South Carolina, in the spring of 1996.
The purpose of the Tabernacle Baptist College External Studies Program is to provide a well-rounded, Bible-based curriculum for those who are unable to attend at the Greenville campus. The program also has several satellite schools in the United States as well as overseas.
We offer majors in the field of Theology as well as Religious Education. Degrees may be received for completing a one-year Certificate program and continue all the way to the Doctorate level. Those who major in Theology mainly enter into the Pastorate or Evangelical Ministries, while those who receive a Religious Education degree often enter into the field of Christian Education.
Courses offered in the program range from Old Testament studies, such as the Pentateuch or Poetical Writings, to New Testament studies, such as the Gospels or Pauline Epistles. Some other Bible related courses offered range from Missions to Cults. Our curriculum endeavors to cover a wide range of subjects in order to equip the student for his or her future ministry.
Our student body is normally composed of a wide variety of individuals from different backgrounds. Some may have just graduated from high school, some may be presently active in a pastorate, and others may be active in various career occupations. We have had wives of missionaries and pastors who just wanted to broaden their education and be more qualified to assist the women under the pastors' ministry.

Those wishing to contact the Tabernacle Baptist College External Studies Program may do so by either emailing, calling, or writing to our Greenville office. The contact information is:
Tabernacle Baptist College - External Studies Program
3931 White Horse Rd.
Greenville, S.C. 29611-5546
Phone: 864.269.2760, ext. 240
We would be glad to hear from you.
**Thesis and Dissertation Information
Form: Follow the guidelines set forth in the latest edition of A Manual for Writers, Kate L. Turabian.
Length: 15,000 words for Thesis and 25,000 words for Dissertation. These numbers are given as guides. The emphasis is on quality not quantity.
Topic: Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology degree candidates must choose a topic in the area of Biblical Theology. Master of Religious Education and Doctor of Religious Eductation degree candidates must choose a topic in the area of Religious Education. All students must submit their topic choice to the administration for approval.
Outline: After the topic has been approved in writing by the administration, the student must submit a detailed outline to the administration for approval. After the outline has been approved in writing by the administration, the student may begin working on the body of the thesis/dissertation.
Deadlines: A student has approximately two years (four semesters) to complete, submit, and defend his thesis/dissertation (no more than eight semesters). The student must be registered for Thesis/Dissertation Development until completion of the work (though he will not receive anymore credits).
No student will be given a diploma after eight semesters of Thesis/Dissertation Development.
Dropping out of Thesis/Dissertation Development after the first year will result in removal from the Master/Doctor program.
The student must make all necessary revisions before the deadline for the final draft.
In order for a student to graduate in May of any given year, the final draft of the thesis/dissertation must be received at TBC by April 1 of that year.
Copies Since a final draft copy must be given to each member of the thesis/dissertation committee, the student shall submit five copies of the final draft to TBC for grading purposes. A final, corrected copy and a computer disk copy must be placed in the Library at TBC after the thesis/dissertation committee meets and approves the work.
Tuition & Fees
When enrolling, a prospective student must make an application and pay an Enrollment and Application Fee. This Enrollment Fee covers the cost of office materials and records.
External Studies Tuition and Fees (per credit hour)
Undergraduate credit | $65.00 |
Master level credit | $100.00 |
Doctor level credit | $100.00 |
Additional Fees
Application Fee | $25.00 |
Enrollment Fee | $100.00 |
Mailing Fee per Course | $10.00 |
Graduation Fee | $100.00 |
Cap and Gown Fee | $50.00 |
Textbooks: Cost, plus shipping and handling. |